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Lesson XII.
- 樓頂樓枋亦是如是
- Lâu-téng lâu-pang iā sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ
- The floor up-stairs the same.
- 每個禮拜着洗清潔清潔
- Kâi-kâi lói-pài tiéh sói chheng-khih chheng-khih
- Every week you must wash it clean.
- 灰埕亦着洗
- Hue-tiâⁿ iā tiéh sói
- The lime floor must be washed.
- 此處無明朝早𤍠在
- Chíe pâi-mêng-khí-tsá zuáh-tsãi
- Here it is very warm every morning.
- 我要作欄杆
- Uá àiⁿ-tsò lân-kan
- I want to make a railing.
- 爾呌司阜霎時來
- Lṳ́ kiè sai-pẽ khiã-tiām lâi
- You tell the carpenter to come bye-and-bye.
- 共伊呾我此處要作欄杆
- Kah i tàⁿ uá chí-kò àiⁿ-tsò lân-kan
- Tell him I want to make a railing here.
- 司阜個內在何處爾知否
- Sai-pẽ kâi lãi tõ tî-kò lṳ́ tsai mē?
- Do you know where the carpenter's place is?
- 知亞
- Tsai--a
- Oh yes, I know.
- 𤍠在。我霎時正來去
- Zuáh-tsãi, uá khiã-tiām chiàⁿ-lâi-khṳ̀
- It is very warm (now), I will go bye-and-bye.
section II.
- 門
- Mn̂g
- A door.
- 枋
- Pâng
- A room.
- 廳
- Thiaⁿ
- A drawing room, a hall.
- 看書房
- Thóiⁿ-tsṳ-pâng
- A reading room.
- 食房
- Chiáh-pâng
- A dining room.
- 臥房
- Út-pâng
- A bed room.