Page:Handful of Pleasant Delights.djvu/71

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Sonets and Histories, to sundrie new Tunes.

If constant loue may reape his hire,
And faith vnfained may purchace:
Great hope I haue to my desire.
Your gentle hart wil grant me grace,
Til then (my deer) in few words plaine,
In pensiue thoughts I shall remaine.

The lamentation of a woman being wrongfully defamed. To the tune of Damon and Pithias.

YOu Ladies falsly deemd,
of anie fault or crime:
Command your pensiue harts to help
this dolefull tune of mine:
For spitefull men there are,
that faults would fain espie:
Alas, what heart would heare their talke,
but willingly would die.

I waile oft times in woe,
and curse mine houre of birth,
Such slanderous pangs do me oppresse,
when others ioy in mirth:
Belike it was ordaind to be my destinie.
Alas what heart would heare their talk, &c.

A thousand good women,
haue guiltlesse been accusde:
For verie spite, although that they,
their bodies neuer abusde:
the godly Susanna accusde was falsly
alas &c.

The poisoned Pancalier,
ful falsly did accuse
The good Dutchesse of Sauoy,
because she did refuse.
To grant vnto his loue,
that was so vngodlie.
Alas what, &c.

Eng. Sch. Lib. No. 3.