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Hands Off Mexico



Our next armed expedition in force into Mexico is almost certain to result in formal war on both sides, followed by an effort at complete subjugation. The General Staff of the United States Army has been quoted as estimating that it will take 450,000 men three and one-half years to pacify Mexico. General Staffs are usually optimistic in judging their own capacity for conquest.

We shall not only have a war abroad indefinitely, but an indefinite prolongation of war conditions at home. We shall again have conscription, bond issues, and every other form of sacrifice and repression to which the public has been subjected during the past three years. American militarism and espionage will become chronic. Reaction will be more firmly seated in the saddle than ever before.

There can be no more important issue than the issue of war with Mexico; for all other issues are tied up with it. The forces of progress will have to gather swift strength or they will feel the crunch of the Iron Heel. The disaster to America will hardly be less than that to Mexico.