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On the other hand, many of the oddities of Holland serve only to prove the thrift and perseverance of the people. There is not a richer or more carefully tilled garden-spot in the whole world than this leaky, springy little country. There is not a braver, more heroic race than its quiet, passive-looking inhabitants. Few nations have equalled it in important discoveries and inventions; none has excelled it in commerce, navigation, learning, and science, or set as noble examples in the promotion of education and public chanties; and none, in proportion to its extent, has expended more money and labor upon public works.

Holland has its shining annals of noble and illustrious men and women, its grand historic records of patience, resistance, and victory, its religious freedom, its enlightened enterprise, its art, its music, and its literature. It has truly been called "the battle-field of Europe:" as truly may we consider it the asylum of the world; for the oppressed of every nation have there found shelter and encouragement. If we Americans, who, after all, are homoeopathic preparations of Holland stock, can laugh at the Dutch, and call them human beavers, and hint that their country may float off any day at high tide, we can also feel proud, and say they have proved themselves heroes, and that their country will not float off while there is a Dutchman left to grapple it.

There are said to be at least ninety-nine hundred large windmills in Holland, with sails ranging from eighty to one hundred and twenty feet long. They are employed in sawing timber, beating hemp, grinding, and many other kinds of work; but their principal use is for pumping water from the lowlands into the canals, and for guarding against the inland freshets that so often deluge the country. Their yearly cost is said to be nearly ten millions of dollars. The large ones are of great power. Their huge, circular tower, rising sometimes from the