Page:Hansel and Gretel and other stories.djvu/235

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But the tailor wasn't satisfied, and he went into the stable and asked, "Goat, are you full?"

The goat replied:

"How should I be full?
Grazing on the graves,
With not a leaf to eat?
Bleat! bleat!"

"The wicked rascal," cried the tailor, "to let a good animal like this starve!" And with the yard measure he struck his son and drove him off.

It was the third son's turn the next day, and to be quite sure the goat should have good food, he selected a beautiful shrub and let the goat eat the leaves. When evening came and it was time to go home, he asked, "Goat, are you full?"

The goat answered:

"I am so full,
Another leaf I could not eat.
Bleat! bleat!"

"Then come home," said the boy. He led the goat into the stable and tied it up.

"Now, then," said the tailor, "has the goat had its proper food?"

"Oh, yes," answered the son. "She is so full she hasn't room for another leaf."

The tailor didn't trust his word, and went again to the goat and asked, "Goat, are you really full?"

The wicked animal answered: