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URING the "eventful year" just drawing to a close, we have studiously avoided thrusting ourselves and our "hobby" before our subscribers. Twelve monthly numbers of Gossip have regularly made their appearance, and now we think the time and opportunity has arrived to congratulate ourselves upon the success which we have achieved. That we do congratulate ourselves there is not the slightest doubt, and we congratulate our subscribers also. The cause for congratulation in the latter case, as well as in the former, lies in the fact that Hardwicke's Science Gossip has proved a decided success, even beyond our most sanguine hopes, when we first planned its constitution. We have no doubt that our readers rejoice with us in this consummation, since our success proves that we have produced just that sort of companion which they desired. Whilst, however, we shake hands with ourselves, and feel good-humoured towards everybody, as all successful people do, we by no means wish to flatter ourselves into the belief that our work has been perfect. Any one desirous of being critical, may turn over these pages and point out defects which might have been remedied, or omissions which might have been avoided. Good-natured friends will make allowances for a few failures in execution, where the general intention has ben in the right direction. We have had much to learn, and we hope that, from our experience of the past, we have profited for the future. It has been our good fortune to secure the kind offices of many scientific friends, without whose valuable aid we could not have hoped to have rendered