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now—" He scratched his head fiercely and spit again and winked and ambled on, telling of how he would play, given the opportunity.

The down train stopped and went on. Jim Harris tapped on the window and waved his hand and passed. Talk within lagged.

"Tim Burdick's wife 's due for another kid or so tonight," Pelly said rising. "Got to get along." He buttoned his vest.

"Maybe there's something in what you say," Ezam admitted. "Our own affairs always seem large—and Lily—is all I have, now—she and the bank—"

He looked through the window and saw Harris mount the steps of the Commercial House.

"Widdemer, the new vice-president of Pontiac Power, was in from Bay City the other day. He'd be interested to buy, I think."

Pelly looked sharply at him.

"That so? He made an offer?"

"Well, not exactly, he wanted me to make one."

"That's reasonable. You do it, Ezam. There's nothing wrong with Lily now, but women are funny machines. She's all you've got—if she was mine—well, I'd want to give her a chance." He was grave then and gave his head a serious twist.

"Pontiac Power wants the bank, eh?" the doctor muttered. "Well, they're all right so far as I know, but between you and me and the rest of the town, Ezam, Harris don't wear very well." He shrugged. "I'd hate to think of Thad Parker's wife if I was him—and a lot of other men and women. Hear anything about his new road proposition?"