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"And you came—when I needed you so!" she said in a thin, strained voice. "I need you, John. I'm going—to depend on you—so much—so much." He tried to hold her even closer, but she took her arms from about his neck and drew away, backing toward the door. "I need you so badly—and I've needed you for so long—I guess—that I can't have you near me tonight John—not tonight—not this night."

He followed impulsively to the door, but it closed in his face.

"Please! Please!" he heard her say through it. He made no move. The sound of her steps died away. He stood alone in the room, hands at his side opening and closing slowly.

And in the darkness outside, Milt Goddard who had spied and seen all, fingered the bit of the axe he had taken from the woodpile.

Taylor started across the room to the door and Goddard crouched and crept forward—and stopped. John opened the screen.

The axe dropped from the other's hands, he moved away, putting the great trunk of Watch Pine between himself and Taylor. Then he turned and stumbled into the night, muttering:

"I ain't got the nerve—I ain't got th' nerve to kill him!"