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About the time that Goddard was putting Taylor through his ordeal, the sheriff of Blueberry dropped into the Banner office. The editor was in the back room cutting paper for a handbill job when the officer thrust his head through the open doorway.

"Howdy, Hump," he said.

"Many of 'em, Joe! Anything special?"

"I'll leave it on your desk.

He disappeared and Bryant went on with his work, but something in the sheriff's tone lingered as a disturbing echo and presently he went into the front office and picked up the folded document. He scanned the outside carefully and his lips worked slowly in the white beard. He opened it, turning it up so he could read. When he had read he sat down quite suddenly, as though weary all at once. After a time his printer came to the door and asked about the paper.

"I started cutting it; finish her up, Will," he said.

He rose and climbed the stairs to his rooms above. He took off his vest, for it was hot, and unbuttoned the neck-band of his stiff-bosomed shirt.

"Oh, dear," he sighed.

He drew out his own rocker to the window and then brought the other chair from its corner. He sat down, but did not rock. His pudgy legs sprawled awkwardly, giving to his posture a significant listlessness. When he