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He could see Lucius wink heavily.

"HI say I have. Want a touch?"

"You know it!"

They made their way by circuitous route to the rear of the livery stable, careful not to show themselves to Jim, who still stood in the street, watching stray passers. Lucius entered the red barn, fumbled under the cushions' of his rattle-trap car and brought out a bottle.

"Here Jack, ole kid, touch her off!"

He was exceedingly familiar and rested an arm across Taylor's shoulders and John tasted the concoction. That was enough; one taste. Its vile strength gave him assurance; liquor like that fitted well with his maturing plan. He wiped his lips and passed the bottle to Lucius.

"Drink hearty!" The silhouette before him tipped the bottle up and the liquor gurgled.

They went out, taking the whiskey, and wandered to the railroad track where they sat on a pile of ties.

"Don't take too much," Taylor warned. "That's stiff stuff."

"Nev' min' me. I c'n carry m' hooch! Why, Jack, I ben drinkin' ev' since I wus so high—here, have touch."

Again John tasted and held the bottle in his hands for a long interval thereafter while he talked, humoring the boy, laughing at his tawdry boasting, edging the talk further away from Harris.

In the distance the south-bound night train whistled. The little town was asleep and dark. A light in the Commercial House and one in the bank made the only relief in the close night.

"Lucius, what if Harris throws you down? What if he gets you into court and then holds out on you?"