Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/146

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IMMEDIATELY after going ashore the energetic McDonald insisted upon making an inspection of the property before darkness fell; which afforded Colonel Spottiswoode a novel experience in riding over cotton fields on camel-back, with Kali, the camel-driver, to manage his beast.

Night had come when Fergus Cameron led back his straggling squad to the plantation home. The Scotchman rode with slow consideration for the American at his side, who sat awkwardly upon his enormous mehari, and was glad enough to reach home, thoroughly churned, but still hanging together. Cameron's mount dropped promptly to its knees, while Kali whacked the Colonel's camel until the big gray fellow snarled.

"Lean back, Colonel Spottiswoode—far back!" Cameron warned his guest, as Kali brought down the ungainly animal and the American stepped off.

Zack's feelings had been lacerated in the very beginning, because the white folks didn't provide him with a camel.