Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/164

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"Lyttleton Bey," Cameron called that experienced officer. "You understand these Mahometans much better than I do. Tabira says that his tribe has come to live on Beni Yeb. They follow their Expected One, who will remain with them as leader and teacher. Kali seems in a blue funk over it all. What can the devils mean?"

Lyttleton narrowed his eyes and squinted at the rigid band of Nigerines. "The Expected One?" he muttered. "I don't fancy the sound of that." When an old campaigner in that fanatical country of the sun hears of an Expected One having announced himself, he gives a quick gasp in the throat, then buckles on his fighting toggery. It means that people are going to get killed. McDonald vaguely understood, but Colonel Spottiswoode not at all. So the Colonel inquired: "What is an Expected One?"

Lyttleton's jaws snapped on the explanation. "These Mahometans look forward to a Deliverer, as foretold by the Koran. Once in a while some bally-brown beggar goes wild with hasheesh and proclaims himself the Expected One—the Mahdi. Somebody always believes him, and the slaughter starts."

"This may be different," Cameron suggested hopefully. "Tabira says that his people wish to