Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/235

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"Lawd Gawd! Hommit jes' throwed Cunnel's clo'es in dem grip-sacks, same as mixin' up chicken feed."

When Colonel Spottiswoode reached the upper deck, he found that Old Reliable had repacked two of the satchels, and was opening a third. "Cunnel," Zack glanced up, "I reckin' us better 'scharge dat Hommit nigger. He ain't got sense ernuff to stuff socks in a basket."

The Colonel made a gulping noise in his throat and moved away, while Zack eased himself back on the pile of towels. "Huh!" he said to himself. "'Tain't doin' a nigger no good to have plenty money; don't git no chance to buy nuthin'."