Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/237

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"You needn't buy a donkey," the Colonel snapped; "we have plenty of them. Major Lyttleton will furnish you one."

Zack looked down upon the donkey pen and shook his head, "Cunnel, ef it's jes' de same wid you, I'd heap ruther buy me one fer my own self. You knows how 'tis when white folks furnishes a nigger wid a mule. Dey keeps a blim-blammin' at him to plow dat mule, and not be ridin' dat mule all night."

"If you want a donkey, just pick him out and Major Lyttleton will——"

Again Zack shook his head. "I don't crave none o' dem. I kinder took a likin' to one little feller what's all trimmed up—over yonder on dat yother barge."

Colonel Spottiswoode glared straight at Zack, glared straight through Zack; then the Colonel smiled, and Old Reliable began to get fidgety. "Zack, you better keep away from those women on that other barge. I know you're not going over there forty times a day to visit a donkey."

Zack grinned sheepishly, like he always did when Colonel Spottiswoode read his mind. As their conversation was getting too personal, Zack reached around for his helmet, and vanished down the companionway.

Said, who waited at the foot of the steps, fell in behind without a word, while Zack crossed