Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/256

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with outstretched hands. "That took nerve, old chap; took nerve, I'm sure, to jump in at Timshi. Not a black, nor an Arab, dared follow you."

"Yas suh, yas suh. Didn't none of 'em come in, but I warn't gwine to let dis donkey git drownded."

After McDonald a string of Arabs, sailormen, and Golo people swarmed out of the flotilla like ants. They surrounded Zack, they hugged one another, chattering and jubilating over the recovered donkey. Top-Knot was already wiping the water from his neglected beast, when the Sultan approached, and the reverent crowd made way. The Sultan patted his favorite, scowled, and muttered one single word to Top-Knot—a word which made the big negro shudder from head to foot. All other Golos sneaked behind the crowd.

The Despot of Bong praised Zack and exulted himself into a generous humor. Although Zack tilted his head to one side and listened he couldn't understand a word, but he knew the Sultan was orating mighty soft and nice. Said hopped in and out amongst the people, like a rabbit in a cane-brake, until he squatted beside an Araba sailorman who understood the Golo tongue. Then he hopped back and whispered glad tidings to his master: "Sultan say he give you one very good present bimeby, bimeby."