Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/277

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be dar ev'y minute. Twon't take Side no time to learn."

McDonald took out his pencil. "Very well. Let's get on. What buildings do you require?"

"Shucks, Mister Bim, a catfish stan' ain't no buildin'—it's jes a shack."

"Where do you want it built?"

"Ef twuz in Vicksburg, I'd set it down side de river whar all de roustabouts loafs."

"At the landing place?"

"Yas suh—wid a bench in de shade."

"How about putting it under that clump of dom palms?"

"Dat's de ve'y place."

"Your building will be finished by noon to-morrow." McDonald clapped his hands, shouted "Wahid!" and sent Fudl running with orders for the chief carpenter to report immediately.

The celerity of McDonald's action took Zack's breath. "Dat's right, Mister Bim. De Lord knows how dese niggers gits 'long, doin' nothin' all day."

Colonel Spottiswoode leaned back in his chair and laughed, "Zack, you're going to spoil your loafing place, where you sit all day and do nothing."

"Yas, suh, Cunnel, dat's all right fer me to do nothin', 'cause I got a job—but dese niggers ain't."