Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/286

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contents over the heads of the crowd. By sacrificing his samples he saved the shack; the scramblers whirled around backwards and scuffled for the fish.

When the riot first broke out, McDonald came bounding across the open space, but failed to cover the fifty yards before the Shilluks had gobbled the grub. Mr. Bim was not a man to get excited, and he did not mean to be abrupt, but he strode amongst them, and they melted away.

"What's the trouble, Zack? How did those fellows happen to rush you?"

"Twarn't no trouble, Mister Bim. Ev'ything nice an' pleasant."

"Didn't they like your fish?"

"Yes suh, dey takes to fish mightily—sho do."

McDonald glanced at the empty pans. "What became of it?"

"Niggers et it."

"All of it? So quick?"

"Dese niggers eats fish mighty swif'."

"Hadn't you better catch some more?"

Zack had shucked his white cap and was now folding up the apron. "Naw suh! I reckin' dis eatin' house is jes about to shet up."

"Why? Won't your plan work?"

"Yas suh, yas suh. It's gwine to work all right,