Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/308

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with a sheepish grin, muttering to himself, "I liketer fergot dis badge. Cunnel sho would raise sand." Covertly Said watched him pull off that precious talisman and hide it in his pocket.

It was a shanky, spindling king who came, naked, to Wadi Okar, with knees knocking together for all men to see, and an ashen-plastered countenance. That's what made Zack say what he did about kings in general, and about this king in particular. Disgustedly he eyed them from the Eating House where the Colonel's orders had stationed him. "Jes' look at Mister Bim! Pullin' a long blue night shirt over dat nigger's kinky head. Ain' dat king a sight?"

The king was a sight, for, in addition to a blue robe of honor, Mr. Bim added a red scarf about his waist, and stuck a red tarbush upon his head, which greased the labor transaction to a satisfactory conclusion.

When Lyttleton Bey arose to signify that the palaver was done, he commanded that Mahomet Mansour should escort his guests to the Hot Cat Eating House where Old Reliable waited to spread the banquet.

Zack stood up very grandly to receive the royal retinue which advanced upon his catfish stand.

"Huh!" he remarked. "Dat king sho' is a labor agent! Fotched a whole passel o' niggers."

As the Colonel wasn't scheduled for appear-