Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/316

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ZACK was getting sore on the catfish proposition. That day he only served fourteen customers and for two pans full of tempting fish he couldn't get a nibble.

"Hommit," he complained to the substitute interpreter, "dis sho beats my time. Dese niggers done got in some kind of a humbug, an' I can't ketch on. What you reckin' tis?"

Mahomet Mansour shook his turbaned head. Although suspecting a scheme whereof Said was stirring the pot, Mahomet couldn't get to the bottom of it. That's what chafed Mahomet, and set him to prying.

Trade being slack, Old Reliable had plenty of time to lean against the post and talk. "I got to start dese new niggers to eatin' catfish. Got to give 'way premiums, or sumpin' like dat. Dat's it! Dat's it! Same as dey gives away at de movin' picture show on Saddy night. Tell 'em dat, Hommit."

The bewildered Mahomet didn't tell 'em anything; he didn't try; for he hadn't the slightest