Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/321

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man. Tools were instantly stacked, and every negro bolted for the catfish stand. They moved definitely, for each man knew where he was going, and what he meant to do. Nobody loafed, nobody straggled, not a black loitered, and the whites watched them anxiously.

"Hadn't we better go and see what's happening?" suggested McDonald.

"No," Lyttleton shook his head. "Better wait, and keep both eyes open."

From their accustomed seats on the porch, they watched developments at the Hot Cat. There seemed a far larger crowd than usual, more dense, but not disorderly; no cause for alarm, and the gentlemen fell to talking of other things.

Everybody swarmed around the Hot Cat Eating House, which left headquarters quite deserted. This presented Said's opportunity as he came slinking back from his three days of journeying to sell jewels amongst the Shilluks. First peering cautiously about him, he dodged into the Black Effendi's tukul, and lost not a moment in slashing out the bottom of the treasure trunk. A glitter burned his fever-frenzied eyes, as he thrust his hand within the trunk, and felt around for the box of jewels. It was not there. He withdrew his hand, and began tearing out the contents of the trunk, until nothing whatever remained. The box was gone. He bounded erect, and called down the