Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/338

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"Side, I ain't studyin' 'bout cookin' no fish. I'm studyin' 'bout gittin' back to Vicksburg."

The Black Effendi strode outside their shack to sit cross-legged on the bench in front. Presently he took out twenty sovereigns of unspent gold:

"Side, I would drap dese right down on de groun' an' walk off from 'em, ef dat ole gin house was to burn up, so I could go home. Here, nigger, you stay here an' sell dese fish. Yas suh, yas suh. I sho' would give a hundred dollars to anybody what burnt dat gin."

"Saadat! Excellency! You say——" The Dongalawi dropped upon his knees in the sand and groveled towards the Black Effendi. "Excellency, you say——"

But Zack paid him no mind; he merely dug both hands in his pockets and jingled the gold as he hurried away from the Hot Cat Eating House. And Said the Dongalawi remained upon his knees, staring after the Black Effendi.