Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/343

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In his home-going khaki suit he strode like a grenadier sentinel guarding the Hot Cat.

"We's gwine home, Side; we's gwine home," he exulted.

Having already loaded the Colonel's heavy luggage on the barge, Zack was now watching for the gunboat Nasir, and expounding vivacious wisdom to Said. "Tain't no use talking Side, luck can't run agin' you all de time. It's boun' to turn." Zack haw-hawed aggressively, waved his farewell to the buildings and fields of Wadi Okar, then erupted in a tumult of song.

"By-by, my honey, I'm stuck on yo' money.
By-by, my honey, I'm gone."

During this merriment Said mended his nets with nervous fingers, until Zack plumped himself down on the bench and began whistling in full-throated delight. For a moment Said's cunning eye searched the river bank, and scanned the quarters, then, creeping closer, he crouched at the Black Effendi's knee. "Excellency, Illustrious One," he whispered, scooping a hole in the sand which he covered with a sweep of his palm, then scooped out again as Zack's melodious soul went floating up to heaven in one long rag-time jubilate.

"My wife's high-minded,
She's double-jinted——"