Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/91

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"What dey gwine to do to me when I gits to Afriky Landin'?" the frightened negro queried.

Guinea looked pained; he hated to say.

"Sh! keep yo' eyes skinned. If you see 'em comin' in a boat, with a yaller flag—look out for snakes. That yaller flag means they're goin' to fumigate. Heap of soldiers come aboard. Sergeant stands at the top o' the steps; doctor makes first class passengers stick out their tongues, feel their pulse an' gives 'em a certificate."

"I'm fust class," Zack announced proudly. Then Guinea added: "That's only the white folks; third cabin, an' dark-skinned people, they chuck 'em overboard in a barge, an' fumigates 'em."

"Dark-skinned? dark-skinned?" old Zack questioned, and Guinea explained very clearly, "When a feller catches cholera he turns black——"

Zack squirmed, "I kin prove by Cunnel dat I always is been dark-complected."

"Better prove by Cunnel that you are white."

"Huh! I'm gwine straight to Cunnel with dat news." Zack's coat tails were already flapping against the stair rail when Guinea jerked him back, "Hold on, that's the worst thing you could do. When them gippies commence asking, 'Where's that black man, with the wide-brimmed hat?' the Colonel, he'd say, 'That must be Zack. He was here a minute ago.' Then they'll get