Page:Harry Castlemon--Missing Pocket Book.djvu/63

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"He would shoot me down as soon as he would look at me, and then report to Mr. Davenport that I had insulted him; then what could anybody do about it? You fellows would have to shoot him, and that would end the matter. I promised I wouldn't say anything to Bob or his father about it, but I had a mental reservation in my mind when it came to you. Now I want to know what I shall do about it."

"Tell us the whole thing, and then perhaps we can pass judgment upon it," whispered Tom. "I don't know that I understand you."

With that I began, and gave the boys a full history of my short interview with Johnson. It didn't take long, for I did not hold a very long conversation with 'Rastus; and when I came to tell how readily he had included me in his plans I saw Elam wink and nod his head in a very peculiar manner. Then I knew that I had hit the nail squarely on the head when I made up my mind what 'Rastus would do to me if things didn't work as he thought they ought to. I tiptoed to the end of the porch