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Harvard Law Review.

the system of common law, for a knowledge of the development of law seems indispensable to an understanding of its present condition. The author states the present law briefly and accurately, and hence this work is more convenient than a digest; but it in no way supplants the use of Blackburn for the student or of Benjamin for the practitioner. The index is a model — carefully prepared and exhaustive.

C. M. L.

The Students' Law Lexicon. By William C. Cochran. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1888. 12mo. 332 pages.

By the omission of obsolete words and phrases, and the careful condensation of definitions, this work has been kept within a small compass, and yet nothing of importance seems to have been omitted. A valuable incident of a book of this nature, — namely, the translation of Latin and French maxims of the law, — instead of appearing in the body of the work, has been properly relegated to an appendix. The insertion of a table of abbreviations and references to reports makes the book as complete as could be desired. A law lexicon which is prepared on such a plan, with a view to convenience and general utility, has a modern practical air about it that is refreshing as well as commendable.

A. E. M.

Industrial Liberty. By John M. Bonham. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1888. 8vo. Pages ix and 114.

This book is designed to call attention to some of the industrial dangers of to-day. The author finds too much irresponsible power in the managers of corporations. He thinks that, because of the quasi-public nature of corporations, the officers should be under obligations to the public analogous to those of a trustee. The idea that political sovereignty is vested in the individual units is adopted by Mr. Bonham, and he concludes that all "paternalism" in government is vicious. It must be confessed, however, that he is not particularly strong in the discussion of fundamental principles; and when he comes to test measures by his idea of government, although generally very conservative, he occasionally startles the reader. For instance, he concludes that compulsory education in the common schools is wrong, because of its "paternalism."

It is to be regretted that the suggestions of the book, some of which are very good, were not put into one-half or one-quarter the space, instead of being spread over four hundred pages.

E. I. S

History of The Law of Tithes In England.. By William Easterly. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1888. 8vo.

This is the Yorke prize essay of the University of Cambridge for 1887; the subject-matter is exhaustively treated, and the book is certainly valuable to the student of legal history,

C. M. L

A Compendium Of The Law of Torts. By Hugh Fraser. London: Reeves & Turner, 1888. 12mo.

The author's aim is to present a summary of the law of torts for the use of students; and in point of accuracy and brevity he has succeeded better than many of the numerous writers in this field of legal literature. It is not sufficiently exhaustive for the practitioner, and it may be too much condensed for a beginner; but it is admirably adapted to the wants of those who desire to make a hasty review of the law of torts.

C. M. L.