Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 4.djvu/359

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RE VIE WS. — EXCHANGES, 343 liable, does not apply to an action for a statutory penalty for such negligence. 'Western Union Tel. Co. v, Cooledge^ 12 S, E. Rep. 264 (Ga.). Trusts. — Land was conveyed to certain persons in ttust, on condition that they build thereon a house of worship when they thought fit, and permit certain persons to preach in said church, and that the trustees should permit the building to be used "for such other purposes as should be deemed appropriate and necessary to further the cause of Christ." There was nothing in the deed in the nature of a covenant to rebuild, or words indicating a desire on the part of the grantor that the land should revert upon a failure of the trustees to maintain the church. Held, that a church having been erected thereon, and used as long as it was fit for use, the trustees might sell the land, and invest the proceeds in a parsonage for the same congregation in connection with a new church on a different lot. Hardy v. Wiley, 12 S. E. Rep. 233 (Va.). REVIEWS. Essentials of Legal Medicine, Toxicology, and Hygiene. By C. E Armand Semple, M.D. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1890. i2mo. Pages 196. This small volume contains the only condensation of this comprehen- sive subject which has yet been published. It is intended primarily to aid the physician in preparing and presenting evidence, either as an ordi- nary witness or as an expert in cases which involve medical questions. For this purpose the possible sources and kinds of evidence in such cases, and the value of each, are set forth with sufficient fulness to make the book useful in the hands of a student of medicine, either as an introduction to the subject or means of review. The rules of law which deal with such evidence are very briefly enunciated. The value of the work to the lawyer must also be great, though not by way of introduction. The familiar use of technical terms will prevent that; but the later labor of keeping fresh in memory the main lines of proof that may be followed in dealing with such questions as personal identity, infanticide, causes of death, and effects of poisons, is lightened by such a handy compendium as this. P. G. B. LEADING ARTICLES IN EXCHANGES. American Law Review. Vol. 25. Review Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo. No. I. The Courts of Judicature of England as Organized, Consolidated, and Established by Recent Judicature Acts. — Their New System of Pleading and Practice with Law and Equity blended (Elliott Anthony). The Ancient Lawyer (Charles E. Fenner). State Quarantine Laws and the Federal Constitution (William H. Cowles). An Effect of Ratificat^'on (F. A. Sondley). Spanish Laws on Marriage and their Extra-Territorial Effect (Emile Stocquart). Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 5. Ginn & Co., N. Y. No. 4. Evolution of Copyright (Brander Matthews). Taxation of Corpora* tions, III. (E. R. A. Seligman).