Page:Hatha yoga - or the yogi philosophy of physical well-being, with numberous excercises.djvu/103

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fact—a plain way of calling into play a mighty force.

Now, friends, if you have suffered from constipation—and who has not?—you will find the above advice valuable. It will bring back those rosy cheeks, and beautiful skin—it will banish that sallowness, that furred tongue, that foul breath, that troublesome liver, and all the rest of the family of symptoms arising from the clogged colon—that stopped up sewer which has been poisoning the body. Try this plan and you will begin to enjoy life, and to be a natural, clean, healthy being. And now in closing, fill up your glass with sparkling, clear, cool water, and join us in the toast, "Here's to health, and lots of it," and while you drink it down slowly, say to yourself, "This water is to bring me health and strength—it is Nature's own tonic."