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Alas my lord, you are not strong,
You have scarcely got two thousand men,
There's twenty thousand on the plain,
Lies rank and file in Crumdel.

Sing, &c.

Says great Montrose, I will not stay,
So direct me to the nearest way,
For over the hills I'll go this day,
And see the Haughs of Crumdel.

Sing, &c.

They were at dinner every man,
When great Montrose upon them came,
And a second battle soon began
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel.

Sing, &c.

The Grants, M'Kenzies, and M'Kay,
As soon as Montrose they did espy,
Thoy stood and fought most manfully,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel

Sing, &c.

The M'Donalds they return'd again,
The Camerons did their standard join,
M'Intoshes play'd a bonny game
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel.

Sing, &c.

The M'Phersons fought like lions bold,
M'Gregors none could them control,
M'Laughlans fought like valiant souls
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel.

Sing, &c.