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THE RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. A History. By John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., D.C.L. With a Portrait of William of Orange. 3 volumes, 8vo, Cloth with Paper Labels, Uncut Edges and Gilt Tops, $6 00. Sold only in Sets.

HISTORY OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS: from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve-Years' Truce. With a full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and of the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. By John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., D.C.L. With Portraits. 4 volumes, 8vo, Cloth with Paper Labels, Uncut Edges and Gilt Tops, $8 00. Sold only in Sets.

LIFE AND DEATH OF JOHN OF BARNEVELD, Advocate of Holland. With a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of the "Thirty-Years' War." By John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., D.C.L. Illustrated. 2 volumes, 8vo, Cloth with Paper Labels, Uncut Edges and Gilt Tops, $4 00. Sold only in Sets.

This edition of Motley's "Complete Historical Works" affords an opportunity to the collector of choice standard works to fill a possible vacancy in his library at a moderate cost. The reader of Motley always returns to the perusal of his writings with a zest which may be compared to the taste of the ripe strawberries in early June. The freshness of his mind never fails to give a flavor to his narrative. His descriptions read less like a recital of the faded past than a vivid picture of living scenes. No historian transports so much of himself into his writings; and though without the faintest trace of egotism, they are always intensely human and individual.—N. Y. Tribune.

The original Library Edition, on larger paper, of Mr. Motley's Histories can still be supplied: "The Dutch Republic," 3 vols.; "The History of the United Netherlands," 4 vols.; "Life and Death of John of Barneveld," 2 vols. Price per volume, in Cloth, $3 50; in Sheep, $4 00; in Half Calf or Half Morocco, $5 75. The volumes of this original edition sold separately.

Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.

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