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Ord. No. 19 of 2007

(3) Where any proceedings are brought against an employer by virtue of this section, it is a defence for the employer to prove that—

(a) the act was done or the omission was made without his knowledge or consent; and
(b) he exercised all reasonable diligence to prevent the employee from doing the act or making the omission, or doing an act or making an omission of that description, in the course of his employment.

42. Appeals to Administrative Appeals Board

A person aggrieved by a decision of the Director relating to—

(a) the refusal of an application for the issue or renewal of a permit under section 10;
(b) the variation of the conditions of a permit under section 13 by the Director on his own initiative;
(c) the refusal of an application for the variation of the conditions of a permit under section 13;
(d) the cancellation of a permit under section 19;
(e) the refusal of an application for the variation of the directions given by the Director under section 23; or
(f) the suspension of a permit under section 27,

may appeal to the Administrative Appeals Board against that decision.

43. Admissibility of documents, etc.

A document purporting to be a document given or issued by the Secretary or the Director and purporting to be signed by him or a public officer authorized by him in that behalf is admissible in evidence in any proceedings without further proof and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary—

(a) is to be regarded as a document given or issued by the Secretary or the Director (as the case may be) and as so signed; and
(b) is evidence of the facts stated in it.

44. Service of notices, etc.

A notice or other document (however described) required or permitted to be served or sent (however described) under this Ordinance is to be regarded as having been duly served or sent if—

(a) in the case of the Director—
(i) it is addressed to the Director and delivered to him at his principal office; or