Page:Headlong Hall - Peacock (1816).djvu/135

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that he suddenly exclaimed, with an extraordinary elevation of voice: Οιμοι κακοδαιμων, και τρις κακοδαιμων, και τετρακις, και πεντακις, και δωδεκακις, και μυριακις[1]! to the great terror of the Sexton, who was just entering the churchyard, and not knowing whence the voice proceeded, pensa que fut un diableteau. The sight of the philosopher dispelled his apprehensions, when growing suddenly valiant, he immediately addressed him with:

"Cot pless your honour! I should n't have thought of meeting any pody here at this time of the morning, except, look you, it was the tevil—who, to pe sure, toes not often come upon consecrated cround—put for all that, I think I have seen him now and then,

  1. Me miserable! and thrice miserable! and four times, and five times, and twelve times, and ten thousand times miserable!