Page:Headlong Hall - Peacock (1816).djvu/68

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ye can get a gude price for your commodity, by throwing in a leetle seasoning o' pheelanthropy an' republican speerit: the third is, when ye think ye can bully the meenestry into gieing ye a peension to hau'd your din; an' in that case, ye point an attack against them within the pale o' the law; an' if they tak nae heed of ye, ye open a stronger fire; an' the less heed they tak, the mair ye bawl, an' the mair factious ye grow, always within the pale o' the law, till they seend a pleenipoteentiary to treat wi' ye for yoursel; an' then the mair popular ye happen to be, the better price ye fetch.

Mr. Cranium.

I perfectly agree with Mr. Mac Laurel in his definition of self-love and disinterestedness: every man's actions are determined by his peculiar views, and those views are determined