Page:Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War.djvu/330

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THE CLERK. She's gone. She run out like a rabbit. I ask myself why was she in such a hurry?

THE LADY'S VOICE [from the street]. Lord Augustus. Lord Augustus.

THE CLERK. She's calling you.

AUGUSTUS.[running to the window and throwing it up]. What is it? Won't you come up?

THE LADY. Is the clerk there?

AUGUSTUS. Yes. Do you want him?


AUGUSTUS. The lady wants you at the window.

THE CLERK.[rushing to the window and putting down the poker]. Yes, ma'am? Here I am, ma'am. What is it, ma'am?

THE LADY. I want you to witness that I got clean away into the street. I am coming up now.

The two men stare at one another.

THE CLERK. Wants me to witness that she got clean away into the street!

AUGUSTUS. What on earth does she mean?

The lady returns.

THE LADY. May I use your telephone?

AUGUSTUS. Certainly. Certainly. [Taking the receiver down.] What number shall I get you?

THE LADY. The War Office, please.

AUGUSTUS. The War Office!?

THE LADY. If you will be so good.

AUGUSTUS. But—Oh, very well. [Into the receiver.] Hallo. This is the Town Hall Recruiting Office. Give me Colonel Bogey, sharp.

A pause

THE CLERK.[breaking the painful silence]. I don't think I'm awake. This is a dream of a movie picture, this is.

AUGUSTUS.[his ear at the receiver]. Shut up, will you? [Into the telephone.] What?...[To the lady.] Whom do you want to get on to?