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body is for the Lord and the Lord for the body.' " (Mrs. M. Baxter.)

Under the Divine Touch, a pamphlet written by Chester E. Pond, of Philadelphia, contains the following recorded experiences, which, mystical as they may be considered from one standpoint, are singularly suggestive of the earlier experiences of the psychic who has entered on Borderland wedlock, but who has not yet learned to distinguish between subjective and objective touches that is, between a touch which is material, tangible, real, and one that is only an hypnotic suggestion made by the Borderland spouse.

"For the last eleven months my whole being has been open more or less to the joys, delights and peculiar sensations of heaven. Recently the Lord has been giving me his choicest foretastes of heavenly blessedness just before I arise in the morning. During these eleven months I have been daily and almost hourly conscious of His positive and holy touch in some part of my natural body. But during these recent morning experiences His touch has been more sweet and more powerful than usual. These heavenly experiences when viewed from a human standpoint seem remarkable. But when viewed from a heavenly standpoint they seem perfectly natural. They have come to me very gradually. In every way they have been orderly and helpful. They seem just what might be expected to come to any devout Christian. For the Lord is no respecter of persons. In considering these experiences it should be borne in mind that Jehovah Jesus is in every way infinite, that He never makes two things just alike in the natural world, and that He never acts twice alike in the spiritual world. Hence, as might be expected, He touches my 'natural body' through my 'spiritual body' in an infinite variety of ways, and with infinite sweetness. But for convenience I will classify, and say that He touches me, first directly or immediately; secondly, He touches me through the medium or ministration of angels; and, thirdly, through the medium of His Written Word. * * *

"To my distinct consciousness the spirit of the Lord is