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ably superior to any soul or bodily delight we ever experience in the ordinary planes of Christian life. As near as I can describe it the difference between the two is this: When waves of glory are produced by the direct touch of the Divine Spirit they seem to have, as it were, a golden tinge, a delicate crest of holy sweetness, which does not accompany those produced through the touch of an angel. * * *

"The angels are so thoroughly honest, so perfectly free from all false modesty and pretended humility, and are so free from all formality and human ceremonies, that the presence of an angel is always elevating and refreshing. * * *

"The Lord touches me consciously now through the medium of His Written Word. * * *

"When I read the Scriptures my whole 'spiritual body' can feel the touch and power of the Living Divine that flows through its words and sentences, just as plainly and unmistakably as my natural body can feel the touch and force of the wind. And at time^ the 'Spirit of Truth' flows all through me, and all over me, so forcibly that I feel as if I were literally 'in the Truth/ At these times the Eternal Word shines through the Written Word with such illuminating power that various human theories and speculations are scattered to the four winds. And under such illumination 'it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.' * * * I can learn more in one hour under such practical tuition, than I ever have learned in a whole year at Yale Theological Seminary. In religion theories have their uses, but the school of experience is the only school that can be relied upon for instruction in the mysteries and deep things of God. It often seems to me as if the Christian world, ministers included, were looking more to their creeds, and to one another, for their theology, than to the Word and the Spirit. * * *

"Before any one can become personally acquainted with the Lord, and with the true meaning of His written Word, he must necessarily forsake every known sin and he must know what it means to live up to every known requirement and privilege of the Gospel. He must also