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In the following experience, it will be seen that this so-called Divine touch, reveal itself as that of a Borderland bridegroom. It is taken from a letter written by a lady, a devout and pure-minded Christian, as will be noticed. Her experiences occurred at a well known summer resort in the United States where a cottage for divine healing had been established. But as the letter was shown to me by a third party, I do not feel at liberty to mention the town, lest some clue be given to the writer's personality. Indeed, it was only upon this condition that the person who showed me this letter allowed me to make use of it herewith:

"Dear Sister:

"Since learning from Miss ——— that you know the experience which is mine, I have thought I should write you.

"At first, as the newly married Bride, I shrank from exposing the secrets of my Love. They were sacred between my Beloved and myself. Now, it has shown me that this wondrous truth, as well as all other truth, must be acknowledged, and that a most glorious part of my high calling is to co-operate with Him in calling his Bride unto Himself. * * *

"For myself, I had not time to question; the truth was sprung upon me unexpectedly, and I just went under. The fears and questionings came afterwards; but blessed be my God! He did not let me parley long with the foe, but Himself strengthened me to shake off his power, and, coming fully under the shelter of His love, press on until He has fully established me, and I impelled by His mighty Spirit within me, reach eagerly forward to the glorious un foldings of His love and power that lie beyond. * * *

"Suffice it to say, I am in great and abundant fullness and blessing, alike in my physical and in my spiritual nature, and that His own abounding life flows in power through my whole being. * * *

"I would have * * * fully understand that this is the fulfillment of the marriage relation between Christ and the body that as he has been recognized in the soul