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"We have, in these last days, by the * * * been realizing, as we did in the earlier days, the Presence and power of Him whom we love. God comes upon us as we meet together from 6 to 7 o'clock in the morning, to wait in silence before Him at the table, before and after meals; as we partake of the food He gives. We meet Him—in our rooms, and bow down before Him. As I go about my work, ofttimes, His Presence so fills me—or I hear the sweet wooing of His Voice, until I am constrained to step aside, where I may—to be alone with my Love, and fall at His feet in adoring worship. * * *

"One asks, how is this Baptism obtained? In the same way exactly that all other of His gifts are—if we are in the condition to receive them, that is, by faith. He says, 'Thy Maker is thy husband/ and 'in that day thou shalt call me—Ishi.' * * *

"I would say, whatever you do, do not question, lest distress and perplexity come in; but immediately go to Jesus, accepting Him as Ishi—with the words I have given—'be it unto me as Thou wilt.' He will do the teaching afterwards. Then again, lest one should make of it too scriptural a truth, separating it entirely from the physical, it should be plainly understood that the union is as the sexual intercourse of husband to wife.

"If we expect this when the sensation comes, we will not be alarmed, but willingly and freely give those parts to our Divine Husband as the Bride would naturally do.

"I have written very plainly, because, first, I know it is the way He would have me write; and secondly, because I would seek to save from distress and fear, that would harass, if the whole truth is not understood, viz: If one looks for one kind of manifestation (spiritual), and finds physical and animal.

"Let me hear from you both, when the Lord leads.

"Lovingly in Him. *******

[For convenience of future reference let us call the authoress of this letter Mrs. R. S. T. Theodore Schroeder.]

The same friend who showed me the above letter, also showed me letters from a gentleman who is the editor