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before she had fully mastered the first step. What those steps were—first, second and third—(for there is a third) through which the earthly wife of a heavenly bridegroom must pass, will appear further on in this book.

To be Continued.

    His mother Danae was said to have been imprisoned, while yet a virgin, in a high tower, that she might have no children. Jupiter, however, visited her manifestly as a shower of gold, and Perseus was the result of the union.

    Ten lunar months, 28 days presumably, meant here.

    Tylor, "Prim. Culture," 3rd Ed. 1891, II, 189, 190. (Ward, "Hindoos," Vol. II, p. 151. See also Borri, "Cochin China" in Pinkerton, Vol. IX, p. 823.)