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projecting the double to get innocent girls into their power, since high towers and bolted doors appear to offer no barrier to the double's entrance. It is precisely for this reason that this information should be widely circulated, in order that these possibilities may be made known to the general public and guarded against. The present flood of Theosophic and other popular occult literature as well as the published records of the S. P. R. have already placed the knowledge of this power within the reach of the libertine, if he chooses to avail himself of it. When he can have this for the asking, it is high time that the general public know something of it also, as well as of the fact that correct living and clear thinking will always protect us from evil induced by occult means. It is an interesting question, however, as to whether children could really be begotten by a double upon a virgin, or, as in the case tried before the Grenoble parliament upon a married woman whose husband is away; I am inclined to think not, since the double is for the time being on a different plane of matter from the physical body of the woman, being, in fact, in the same world as it will be after death; so that it must obey the law of the Borderland quite as much as if it were an angelic bridegroom, which it to sow no seed, inasmuch as no harvest can be reaped therefrom. But in this case, what becomes of the scientific basis of such stories as Danae and other virgins who become the mothers of children by a Borderland lover whether earthly double or heavenly angel? There is but one way so far as I see, by which a Borderland bridegroom could beget a child by an earthly woman. The woman must live each moment in strict obedience to the laws of her earthlife and also of his heavenly life. She must be capable of appreciating the intellectual thought of his advanced world. She must understand and live in accordance with the higher code of ethics current in his realm. She must neglect no earthly duty; she must be conversant with the intellectual thought- world of her earthly associates; she must not crush out a single instinct of her nature but properly use every physical appetite and passion to round out a symmetrical earthly life. When emergencies arise on either the earthly