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his usual manner; it was plain to be seen that he would have been better pleased had he remained at home.

Cvok perceived this, and got so embarrassed that he did not know in the beginning what to do or what to say. He gave him the ten florins as an instalment of his debt, and, just for talk’s sake, uttered some commonplace, empty phrases.

Ledecký was an enemy of useless words. He saw quite well that Heavens was only trying to conceal his perplexity, and did not know how to begin upon his real errand. He knit his brow, and looked straight before him into vacancy. At last he said angrily and reproachfully—

“For goodness’ sake, man, what is this that you have gone and done?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the child you are keeping in your house.”

“You have heard about that already?”

“Heard! Why, for ten miles round every cock is crowing it as loud as he can! I should have to be a grouse if I had not heard of it. But tell me, if you please, where on earth was your common sense?”

“I only acted as a Christian should; and I hope that what I have done will be pleasing to the Almighty.”

“Indeed! It is certainly pleasing to men, because it gives them an opportunity of speaking evil of our clerical fraternity, and because it undermines all faith and religion, which we find hard enough to keep up amongst the people. And you expect that will be pleasing to God! If you were an inexperienced young man, I should say nothing; for young blood is hot, and more full of folly than wisdom, and young eyes hardly see ten steps before them. But you, a man of two score