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able lawsuit , which would probably cause us many an uncomfortable moment.”

The baroness turned pale, and stared at the speaker amazed; for any resistance to her will, from anybody whatever, was a thing quite unknown to her.

“I understand you, reverend sir,” she said, after a long silence. “I do not wish to press my desires upon you by any means, and withdraw my request at once. I shall myself act according as conscience tells me. Only give me your hand and word that you will keep secret what we have discussed here together.”

Ledecký shook hands with her lightly, and left the presence with a low bow. Just as he was leaving the court of the castle, Baron Mundy drove up in his gig.

The baroness began, contrary to all her usual habits, to pace up and down the room. She was disquieted, excited; the blood rushed to her temples and head. She had engaged in a duel with Ledecký, and had been defeated!

“One priest will not injure another,” she said to herself; “and when I mentioned Mundy to him, how he pretended to be astonished!”

”The baroness’s suspicion of her son increased rapidly. She sank involuntarily into her armchair at the writing-table. A giddiness she had never known before over-powered her; her head was heavy; there was a singing in her ears, and she saw rings and spots before her eyes. Her feet tingled with a strange sensation, and the anxiety she felt was such that perspiration burst out on her brow and temples.

Just then a servant entered and announced that the baron had arrived from his journey, and asked if he