Page:Hebrew tales; selected and translated from the writings of the ancient Hebrew sages (1917).djvu/117

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the Lord—the Lord of the earth," rejoined the impatient chief "I am Alexander the Conqueror! Will you not admit me?" "No," was the answer. "Here, we know of no conquerors —save such as conquer their passions: None but the just can enter here." Alexander endeavored in vain to enter the abode of the blessed; neither entreaties nor menaces availed. Seeing all his attempts fruitless, he addressed himself to the guardian of Paradise, and said:— "You know I am a great king a person who received the homage of nations. Since you will not admit me, give me at least something, that I may show an astonished and admiring world that I have been where no mortal has ever been before me." "Here, madman!" said the guardian of Paradise, "here is something for thee. It may cure the maladies of thy distempered soul. One glance at it may teach thee more wisdom than thou hast hitherto derived from all thy former instructors. Now go thy ways." Alexander took it with avidity, and repaired to his tent. But what was his confusion and surprise to find, on examining the received present, that it was nothing but the fragment of a human skull. "And is this!" exclaimed Alexander, "the mighty gift that they bestow on kings and heroes? Is this the fruit of so much toil, danger, and care?" Enraged and disappointed, he threw it on the ground. "Great king!" said a learned man, who hap-