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minute or two, and then said, “Am I to eat some of that too?” Sebastian nodded again. “Give me some then,” she said, looking calmly at her plate. At this Sebastian’s command of his countenance became doubtful, and the dish began to tremble suspiciously in his hands.

“You can put the dish on the table and come back presently," said Fräulein Rottenmeier with a severe expression of face. Sebastian disappeared on the spot. “As for you, Adelaide, I see I shall have to teach you the first rules of behavior,” continued the lady-housekeeper with a sigh. “I will begin by explaining to you how you are to conduct yourself at table,” and she went on to give Heidi minute instructions as to all she was to do. “And now,” she continued, “I must make you particularly understand that you are not to speak to Sebastian at table, or at any other time, unless you have an order to give him, or a necessary question to put to him; and then you are not to address him as if he was some one belonging to you. Never let me hear you speak to him in that way again! It is the same with Tinette, and for myself you are to address me as you hear others doing. Clara must herself decide what you are to call her.”

“Why, Clara, of course,” put the latter. Then followed a long list of rules as to general behavior, getting up and going to bed, going in and out of the room, shutting the doors, keeping everything tidy, during the course of which Heidi’s eyes gradually closed, for she had been up before five o’clock that morning and had had a long journey. She leant back in her chair and fell fast asleep. Fräulein Rottenmeier having at last come to the end of her sermonizing said, “Now remember what I have said, Adelaide! Have you understood it all?”
