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her which way to go. Then suddenly at one of the street corners she saw a boy standing, carrying a hand-organ on his back and a funny-looking animal on his arm. Heidi ran up to him and said, “Where is the tower with the gold ball on the top?”

“I don’t know,” was the answer.

“Who can I ask to show me?” she asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you know any other church with a high tower?”

“Yes, I know one.”

“Come then and show it me.”

“Show me first what you will give me for it,” and the boy held out his hand as he spoke. Heidi searched about in her pockets and presently drew out a card on which was painted a garland of beautiful red roses; she looked at it first for a moment or two, for she felt rather sorry to part with it; Clara had only that morning made her a present of it—but then, to look down into the valley and see all the lovely green slopes! “There,” said Heidi, holding out the card, “would you like to have that?”

The boy drew back his hand and shook his head.

“What would you like then?” asked Heidi, not sorry to put the card back in her pocket.


“I have none, but Clara has; I am sure she will give me some; how much do you want?”


“Come along then.”

They started off together along the street, and on the way
