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life. Clara put hers in his, but he kept his own hanging down straight beside him like a stick.

“That’s not the way, Peter,” said Heidi in an authoritative voice. “You must put your arm out in the shape of a ring, and Clara must put hers through it and lean her weight upon you, and whatever you do, don’t let your arm give way; like that I am sure we shall be able to manage.”

Peter did as he was told, but still they did not get on very well. Clara was not such a light weight, and the team did not match very well in size; it was up one side and down the other, so that the supports were rather wobbly.

Clara tried to use her own feet a little, but each time drew them quickly back.

“Put your foot down firmly once,” suggested Heidi, “I am sure it will hurt you less after that.”

“Do you think so?” said Clara hesitatingly, but she followed Heidi’s advice and ventured one firm step on the ground and then another; she called out a little as she did it; then she lifted her foot again and went on, “Oh, that was less painful already,” she exclaimed joyfully.

“Try again,” said Heidi encouragingly.

And Clara went on putting one foot out after another until all at once she called out, “I can do it, Heidi! look! look! I can make proper steps!”

And Heidi cried out with even greater delight, “Can you really make steps, can you really walk? really walk by yourself? Oh, if only grandfather were here!” and she continued gleefully to exclaim, “You can walk now, Clara, you can walk!”
