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“Well, by noon be it, then,” said José. “The horse can do it.”

“Have great care!” said Alessandro.

“That will I,” replied José; and giving his horse's sides a sharp punch with his knees, set off at full gallop westward.

“I have sent José with a message to Temecula,” said Alessandro, walking up to Fernando. “He will be back here tomorrow noon, and join you at the Ortega's the next morning.”

“Back here by noon to-morrow!” exclaimed Fernando. “Not unless he kills his horse!”

“That was what he said,” replied Alessandro, nonchalantly.

“Easy enough, too!” cried Antonio, riding up on his little dun mare. “I'd go in less time than that, on this mare. José's is no match for her, and never was. Why did you not send me, Alessandro?”

“Is your horse really faster than José's?” said Alessandro. “Then I wish I had sent you. I'll send you next time.”