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Eagle Brand as a
Health Food

Eagle Brand is truly a health food. It contains all the substances necessary for body growth—protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash constituents and vitamins.

The protein in Eagle Brand is more easily digested than protein in fluid milk, due to the process which it undergoes in condensation. It forms a fine flocculent curd in the stomach in comparison to the large thick curd formed from bottled milk.

There is a liberal proportion of carbohydrate in Eagle Brand which is also easily digested and assimilated. This substance supplies heat and energy necessary for the human body. If a child’s diet is low in fat, a larger proportion of carbohydrate is necessary. Fat can be replaced by cane sugar without harm to the organism. Carbohydrates in fact put less strain than fats on the digestive system during the process of digestion.

There are more ash constituents present in Eagle Brand than in human milk. They are in a form easily assimilated by the body.

“The vitamins, Fat soluble A and water soluble B retain almost their original potency after the process of condensation. The amount of water soluble C vitamin varies with many factors, depending primarily upon the amount in the original milk and secondarily upon the process of heating and evaporation, with special reference to oxidation.”[1]

For the reasons stated above many digestive systems which are weak can digest and assimilate Eagle Brand milk without any disturbance whatsoever.

  1. Extract from an article on Vitamins in Milk by Dr. M. J. Rosenau, Boston Medical Journal, May, 1921.