Page:Helen Rich Baldwin - Nutrition and Health (1924).pdf/37

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Subject:General Hygiene

1. Weigh children.
2. Talk on subject.
A. Discussion of appearance and the observance of daily health and food habits.
B. Explain “Rules of the Game.”
1. A full bath more than once a week.
2. Brushing the teeth at least once every day.
3. Sleeping long hours with windows open.
4. Drinking as much milk as possible, but no tea or coffee.
5. Eating some vegetables or fruit every day.
6. Drinking at least four glasses of water a day.
7. Playing part of every day out of doors.
8. A bowel movement every day.
C. Explain how to keep Health Records.[1]
3. Read illustrative story—“The Lovely Bird.”[2]
4. Suggest the formation of a club.
A. The club idea stimulates much interest.
B. Suggest names such as:
1. “Watch Us Gain Club.”
2. “Grade Six Health Club.”
3. “Milkarpie Health Club.”
C. Have children bring in suggestions for name at next meeting.
5. Give out tags.
  1. These health records are to be used by the child to encourage the performance of good health and food habits. The Borden Company, upon request, will send a copy to teachers and health workers. If these records are to be used in the Health Curriculum the children can make copies of them very easily.
  2. From “Cho-Cho and the Health Fairy,” published by the Child Health Organization, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Can be obtained at a nominal cost.