Page:Helen of Troy and Other Poems.djvu/134

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On the Tower

I love you, I love you, I love you,
I am the flower at your feet,
The birds and the stars are above you,
My place is more sweet.

The birds and the stars are above you,
They envy the flower in the grass,
For I, only I, while I love you
Can die as you pass.

(Light clouds veil the stars, growing denser constantly.
The castle bell rings for vespers, and rising, the lady
moves to a corner of the parapet and kneels there.)
L. Ave Maria! gratia plena, Dominus——
Voice of the Page (from the foot of the tower) My lord, my lord, they call for you at court!
(The knight wakes. It is now quite dark.)
There is a tourney toward; your enemy
Has challenged you. My lord, make haste to come!
(The knight rises and gropes his way toward the stairs.)
K. I will make haste. Await me where you are.
(To himself.) There was a lady on this tower with me——
(He glances around hurriedly but does not see her in the darkness.)
Page. My lord has far to ride before the dawn!
K. (To himself.) Why should I tarry?
(To the page.) Bring my horse and shield!
(He descends. As the noise of his footfall on the