Page:Hellas, a Lyrical Drama - Shelley (1822).djvu/48

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That which thou can'st not keep, his deserved portion
Of blood, which shall not flow through streets and fields.
Rivers and seas, like that which we may win.
But stagnate in the veins of Christian slaves!

(Enter second Messenger.)

Second Messenger.
Nauplia, Tripolizza, Mothon, Athens,
Navarin, Artas, Monembasia,
Corinth and Thebes are carried by assault,
And every Islamite who made his dogs
Fat with the flesh of Galilean slaves
Passed at the edge of the sword: the lust of blood
Which made our warriors drunk, is quench'd in death;
But like a fiery plague breaks out anew
In deeds which make the Christian cause look pale
In its own light. The garrison of Patras
Has store but for ten days, nor is there hope
But from the Briton: at once slave and tyrant
His wishes still are weaker than his fears,
Or he would sell what faith may yet remain
From the oaths broke in Genoa and in Norway;
And if you buy him not, your treasury
Is empty even of promises—his own coin.
The freedman of a western poet chief (4)
Holds Attica with seven thousand rebels,
And has beat back the Pacha of Negropont: